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Biden sparks Christian group's anger, making sign of the cross at abortion rally: 'Disgusting insult'


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Could you repeat the question, please?  And who or what are Rhinos (besides the animal God made)?

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Yup the stand outs for the Republican party are the MAGA  bunch like M.T.G. (can't even stand to say her name). Yup perhaps you should think that the Rhino has one very sharp horn and indeed knows how to inflict pain using it.




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I love how the 14 Rhinos are raising a ruckus, about the Aid Package that had the pork in it. Turns out it had gun control legislation that will impacts their voters, and those folks are burning mad. Even Rhino's are too stupid to know Dems say one thing and do another. :D They deserve what they get.



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Glad E Olah

Does anyone believe that Mr Biden tells lies?  I will not be his judge or a judge to anyone however a Bible scripture comes to mind what happens to all liars. If you would please read it for yourself found in Revelation 21:8.  The verse talks about other things too.  Yes,  I do believe in this eternal lake of fire but I also believe that sins can be forgiven including lies.  I would hope he asks God to forgive him for lies if he makes them.

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:28 AM, Glad E Olah said:

Does anyone believe that Mr Biden tells lies?  I will not be his judge or a judge to anyone however a Bible scripture comes to mind what happens to all liars. If you would please read it for yourself found in Revelation 21:8.  The verse talks about other things too.  Yes,  I do believe in this eternal lake of fire but I also believe that sins can be forgiven including lies.  I would hope he asks God to forgive him for lies if he makes them.

He's what we called, in the mental health field, a pathological liar. He has no compunction telling a story knowing it's not true. He'll tell something and try to present it as fact, by adding, “I'm not lying, no joke, for real”. Knowing it is a falsehood. Pathological liars, can be very convincing and skilled. They tell lies, to further goals to something they are set on. They do it repeatedly to “blend in” with whomever they are talking to. They tell key stories over and over till they eventually start believing them their selves, and developing a grandiose personality.  I've watched it with interest for the last two years, No one calls him on it, or his press sec. smooths it over with miss spoke. It would take all day to list them. Some of his best, that he repeats to this day, are.

  • The conductor story about talking to the nice conductor when he took the train on his commutes. Never happened.
  • He met the man that invented insulin. Impossible because that man had been dead a year before Joe was born. The other co-developer had been dead 6 years before Biden was born. Sir Frederick Grant Banting (co-developer of insulin) (November 14, 1891 – February 21, 1941, John James Rickard Macleod (co-developer of insulin) (6 September 1876 – 16 March 1935)
  • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was born November 20, 1942. 
  • Claimed to be at ground zero and saw the planes. He was nowhere near. 
  • Most Recent: The bridge that just collapsed, he told the attendees at the gathering, that he used to commute over that bridge back and forth, by car and train. A slight problem with that, is there are no train tracks, nor have there ever been train tracks, on that bridge. He tells these lies to ingratiate himself with whomever he's addressing at the moment, to gain favor.

He operates under the thinking that he will be forgiven. That's why the Bishop recently called him a cafeteria catholic, because he picks and chooses from the menu, what he wants to follow. :D


It's sad yes. Long story short, if you think he doesn't lie, there's something wrong. -Ron


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Glad E Olah

Hopefully God takes mental illness into consideration.  I have a son who is mentally challenged and satan has a way with him.  Very frustrating. 


As far as lies......they are wrong but only God can deal with a person's actions.

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Glad E Olah

Right Windwalker!


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We won't even begin to state the wrongs that have been done by the Roman Catholic church over the centuries.




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On 4/28/2024 at 1:08 PM, Cheyenne said:

Could you repeat the question, please?  And who or what are Rhinos (besides the animal God made)?

Sorry, Cheyenne. I was reading back through and noticed I had missed your question. 


Rhino is a politician that calls themselves conservative, or republican, but always vote on the democratic side. So we call them Rhinos. “Republican in Name Only”.

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2 hours ago, wildman said:

We won't even begin to state the wrongs that have been done by the Roman Catholic church over the centuries.




They have their hands in some really shady dealings. The best thing they ever did, was the Crusade, to rid the world of the oppressive Muslims.

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4 hours ago, Windwalker said:

They have their hands in some really shady dealings. The best thing they ever did, was the Crusade, to rid the world of the oppressive Muslims.

Don't think they were completely successful.




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