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Where do they find these people, and why do they elect them.


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This, is why many big cities are failing. While they keep most busy hating Donald Trump, the radical left is busy installing absolutely insane, unrealistic party members, prosecutors, and judges. This is just one city, but it is much like Chicago, New York Illinois, San Fran, and a host of other democratically run cities. There might be republican run cities like this, but I don't know of them. If you do, please let me know if they follow the same methods as these.



Mayor Michelle Wu (D) Boston


During this time of great fiscal uncertainty … now more than ever, it is critical that we show the taxpayers of Boston that we take our financial responsibilities seriously,” Flynn Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn wrote in a letter, according to the Boston Herald. “Allowing children to decide the usage of taxpayer dollars would do just the opposite, and be viewed as tone-deaf, unserious and wholly inappropriate by my constituents.”


Flynn's attacks were aimed at Boston's new participatory budgeting process, which is designed to be inclusive of all residents, even children as young as 11 years old, according to the Herald. While the measure was first approved in 2021, residents will be able to start the process in July.


Wu has also been accused of supporting a soft-on-crime agenda for pushing to abolish the gang registry and arguing that criminal behavior — such as theft — should not be prosecuted. She also said police should not have the ability to use tear gas, rubber bullets, and attack dogs.


So, is it just me, or do some of you also see a problem. What if most states and cities ran things this way.

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11 year olds????  Theft should not be prosecuted???  What world is Ms. Wu from?

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1 hour ago, Cheyenne said:

11 year olds????  Theft should not be prosecuted???  What world is Ms. Wu from?

They want illegal non-citizens to be able to vote in elections, with no ID. They are still defunding police departments. Now why couldn't they see, that would turn out to be a terrible idea. The Democrats, think the criminal and people of color are oppressed, and need more protection than the victims. It's insanity at its worst, but we're stuck with it for now. They are the same people, pushing for reparations for descendants of slaves, from 200 years ago. Anything crazy, they will try. It's like a sick game. 





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And people elect these geniuses.




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3 hours ago, wildman said:

And people elect these geniuses.





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You're so right, As long as you throw them a tidbit once in a while. Look at AOC's and Pelosi's districts. Ghettos and getting worse, but they keep getting re-elected. :D

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Where are these people actually coming from?? Out of the woodwork??? Every day it's something new and surely not how I grew up during the 50's and 60's!! Doesn't seem that it's going to get much better for a long time!!

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I know they are looney. In one city, it's combatting the alcohol and addiction problem, by giving out alcohol and free needles. Another city is putting social workers in police units, to be on had for domestic violence calls, and calming disputes between officers and offenders. :D

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