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  1. The big push to get us all in electric vehicles through the "green-new-deal", is a fantasy at this point. Sure, they sound great, with fast acceleration, possibly lower maintenance, and less pollution, but there is a major drawback that they have somehow managed to not get public exposure about. Probably, because most people can't afford them. The smallest vehicle 9electric gets about 95 miles per full charge. The higher priced ones get up to 750 miles on a full charge. That is, if you can sit still long enough to fully charge the vehicle. Charging power is capped almost universally as far as speed, to protect the batteries during charging. These ranges are also based on flat test tracks, not stop and go traffic, hills, or other factors. So if I went to shop in the city next to me, and was low on power, like most of us do our gasoline. I would have to shop near a charging station for 2 hours to have enough power to get me the 30 miles back home. Another thing we haven't realized. Charging stations. Imagine how many our society will need. You can get in and out of a service station with a full tank, in under 10 mins. Now multiply that by the number of vehicles that run through a filling station in an hour that has only 4 pumps. Then try to service the same number of electric cars in an hour that take one hour for just 24 miles. The number of charging stations in one location is staggering. Sure some charging is done at home, but suppose you have a long day of running around and nearly deplete your charge, as most people do with gasoline which gets more distance compared to electric. If you're 100 miles from home, you will need about 4 hours to top off to get home. Until battery charging, and capacity increase dramatically, electric vehicles just aren't that practical. On average, one hour of charging can get you about 24 miles, so you'd best be careful not to run low. Imagine, as well, getting stuck on the freeway during rush hour, or an accident blocking the road, and having to sit for an hour or more running the AC which is powered by the battery. There would be a lot of stranded electric vehicles without power in that scenario. Or, getting stuck in a snow storm for more than an hour or two. Now, add to that, the 8 cents a mile travel tax they want to levy on everyone, gas or electric. Your thoughts? Are we really ready for this? Or is it a rich persons dream.
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